Be heard. Get answers. Reach results.

Medical malpractice cases are hard on families. To help, we listen closely, answer questions clearly, and take steps strategically to move cases to conclusion.

Hurt by Negligence?

In Virginia, there is a legal duty to act with reasonable care to prevent harm to others.  That means there is a duty to act reasonably, to not be negligent.  We help people injured when others choose not to use reasonable care, like in a car accident, truck accident, or in a medical setting.  When health care providers are negligent, it is called “medical malpractice.”

Negligence happens when people choose to act improperly and also when they choose not to act when they should. Injuries can range from minor and temporary to catastrophic and fatal.

Medical Malpractice

Injuries, Accidents & Wrongful Death

Committed to our Clients


When we start working together, you can hand your worry over – from what to do, to when and how.

We figure out goals and talk about the best ways to get there. You will receive our best advice, always recognizing it is your life and your ultimate decision.

You will be informed, your questions will be answered, and we will help you handle the worrying for you.